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Molly Martin, MD
Pediatric Primary Care
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Dr. Molly Martin is a practicing pediatrician and researcher. Dr. Martin's research has been continuously funded by the NIH since 2004. Her research addresses health disparities using community-based interventions and implementation science methods. She obtained her medical degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin and then completed her pediatrics residency and the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program at the University of Chicago. Dr. Martin spent nine years at Rush University Medical Center before moving to the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System in February of 2014. She is located in the College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics and the Institute for Health Research and Policy. Dr. Martin currently serves as the Associate Head of Research for the College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, the Director of UIC Center for Clinical and Translational Science Pilot Grant Program, and the Associate Director for Community Engagement for the UIC Center for Dissemination and Implementation Science. Dr. Martin speaks Spanish and sees patients at the Mile Square Health Center.
Specialties & Services
Mile Square Health Center, Main
1220 South Wood Street
Chicago, IL 60608
- Fellowship: University of Chicago
- Medical School: Medical College of Wisconsin
- Postgraduate Education: Harris School of Public Policy
- Residency: University of Chicago