Heather Jones found an angel in the big city

Heather Jones

Because of an amazing UI Health doctor, Heather Jones says moving to Chicago from a small town was worth it.

The genuine care from “Dr. Raj” at Mile Square Health Center is changing her son's life.

I didn't know what to expect moving to this enormous city from the small Illinois town where I was born.

Finding a new doctor for my son was my top priority. Willie is 12 years old and has a lot going on — attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, nervous tics and other issues. We lived with my in-laws on the west side of Chicago while we looked for a home, and they recommended Mile Square Health Center.

There we met an angel — Dr. Nimmi Rajagopal. Dr. Raj is the most caring person I can imagine. She spent time really getting to know us and understanding Willie's needs. She touched my life in a way that I didn't think would happen in this big city.

Dr. Raj decided that Willie required specialized care. With her help, we were able to see Dr. Julie Carbray, a UI Health therapist, right away. Willie is now diagnosed with a bipolar disorder, in addition to ADHD. He is finally getting the expert help he needs.

Our home is now on the south side of Chicago. It's a long bus ride to see Dr. Raj at Mile Square Health Center now, but believe me, it's worth it. We won't go anywhere else. I'm thrilled that we found the best doctor in Chicago!