Bariatric Support Groups

Our Bariatric Surgery program hosts virtual support group sessions on the first Wednesday of each month for bariatric surgery patients and candidates – past, present, and future.

Virtual Support Groups

Our Virtual Support Group Sessions include multiple topics and are aimed at both patients interested in bariatric surgery and those who have already undergone surgery. The Virtual Support Groups cover the following:

  1. Exercise 101: Get exercise guidance you can trust from UI Health physical therapist Rich Severin.
  2. Bariatric Topic of the Month: Hear from different members of our Bariatric Surgery team – including dietitians, bariatricians, physical therapists, psychologists, and plastic surgeons – who will focus on a new aspect of our care each month.
  3. Bariatric surgeons: Hear from UI Health surgeons about the variety of treatment options offered by our Bariatric Surgery Program, the health risks of obesity, and how our team can help guide you through your weight loss journey.

Online Registration

Click here to register for a virtual support group session.

Meeting Time 12 pm CST

(On day of) Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 481 486 2293

(On day of) Audio only call: 312.626.6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID:
481 486 2293
Code: 77675091# US (Chicago)

Once the session is complete, click here to submit your survey feedback form to receive credit for attendance.

Bariatric Support Group Schedule 2025

Wednesday, March 5 Rich Severin EXERCISE 101
Jamie Appelbaum Setting Effective Goals for Lifestyle Change
Wednesday, April 2 Rich Severin EXERCISE 101
Alina Kraft Bariatric Nutrition 101
Wednesday, May 7 Rich Severin EXERCISE 101
Dr. Yevhen Pavelko Bariatric Surgery: Possible Complications and Postoperative Care
Wednesday, June 4 Rich Severin EXERCISE 101
Dr. Mario Masrur Bariatric Surgery: Understanding Surgery and Its Mechanism
Wednesday, July 9 Rich Severin EXERCISE 101
Pain Management
Wednesday, Aug. 6 Rich Severin EXERCISE 101
Reed Berger Thiamine Deficiency
Wednesday, Sept. 10 Rich Severin EXERCISE 101
Janette Cino Bariatric Grocery Lists and Meal Prep
Wednesday, Oct. 1 Rich Severin EXERCISE 101
Jeremy O’Neal Eating Over the Holidays
Wednesday, Nov. 5 Rich Severin EXERCISE 101
Dr. Fabio Sbrana TBA
Jan. 2026 Rich Severin EXERCISE 101
Amy Bachman Bariatric 101
Feb. 2026 Rich Severin EXERCISE 101
Alison Newman Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Eating