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The Medicare General Enrollment Period is from January 1 to March 31 each year.

This is the time when people who missed their Initial Enrollment Period can enroll in Medicare

Marketplace open enrollment typically runs from November 1st to January 15th.

This means you can enroll in, renew, or change your health plan through the Marketplace during this time period.

American Rescue Plan Act

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was extended through 2025 by the Inflation Reduction Act. However, some provisions of the ARP have different expiration dates. Under the new law:

  • More people than ever before qualify for help paying for health coverage, even those who weren't eligible in the past.
  • Most people currently enrolled in a Marketplace plan may qualify for more tax credits.
  • Health insurance premiums after these new savings will go down.

Visit to learn more.

Visit to shop for and enroll in a Marketplace plan. You can also find local help at or by calling the Marketplace Call Center at 1.800.318.2596. TTY users should call 1.855.889.4325.

Affordable Care Act (ACA)

You might have heard of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as "Obamacare." This law requires that almost everyone be enrolled in a health insurance plan or pay a penalty. If you haven't had health insurance in the past, you are now likely eligible and will need to sign up for some type of health insurance plan.

What is the Difference Between Medicaid and the Health Insurance Marketplace?

The Medicaid program, which allows individuals to receive free or low-cost health insurance coverage, will be expanding to cover all individuals with incomes below 138% of the federal poverty level (in 2017 at or below ~$34,638 for a family of four). Medicaid provides comprehensive benefits and services including hospital care, outpatient care, and preventive and wellness services. If your income is too high for Medicaid, you can purchase private health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace, also known as the Health Insurance Exchange. The Marketplace will be similar to other websites you might be familiar with, like Expedia or Travelocity. Just as these sites find the best travel option at the best price for you, the Marketplace will allow you to compare health insurance options side by side and select the plan that is best for you. Families with incomes up to 400% of the federal poverty level (up to ~$100,400 for a family of four) will be eligible for support in the form of an income tax credit to assist you with paying for your plan.  Those with Medicare, employer-sponsored insurance, or who are not legal permanent residents are not eligible to purchase plans on the Marketplace.

Where can I find more information and assistance with enrolling?

  • Visit
  • Call the toll-free federal help line, available 24/7, at 1.800.318.2596

How can UI Health help me?

We can answer your questions over the phone, by email, or you can schedule an appointment to get help in-person.

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If you are interested in sharing information about the new healthcare options and how to sign up, download and print our Get Insured Card below.
Get Insured Card (page 1 in English; page 2 in Spanish) .pdf