Kimberlee M. Curnyn, MD
get to know our provider
Dr. Kimberlee M. Curnyn is a board-certified ophthalmologist at UI Health. Dr. Curnyn specializes in treating cataract, glaucoma and, is an expert in performing cataract surgery, eye muscle surgery, Lasik, retractive laser, and strabismus surgeries.
Specialties & Services
- Cataracts and Cataract Surgery
- Ophthalmology
- Pediatric Ophthalmology
- Amblyopia
- Pediatric Cateracts
- Pediatric Glaucoma
- Strabismus
Specialty Care Building
1009 S. Wood St.
Chicago, IL 60612
312.996.EYES (3937)
- Board Certification: American Board of Ophthalmology
- Internship: Rush Medical Center
- Medical School: University of Illinois College of Medicine
- Residency: Rush Medical Center