Edgar Sarmiento Jr, MSN, APN
Emergency Medicine
get to know our provider
Edgar Sarmiento is an Advance Practice Nurse in the Emergency Department at UI Health. His emergency nursing experience includes trauma and adult and pediatric emergency care, and his clinical experience includes the treatment of burns and various musculoskeletal and orthopedic injuries. He is the lead nurse practitioner in the Emergency Department at UI Health and serves as preceptor to advance practice nursing students from University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing.
Specialties & Services
- Emergency Department
- Acute Care
- Treatment of Burns
- Various Musculoskeletal and Orthopaedic Injuries
O'Hare Urgent Care Clinic
Terminal 2 (Across from gate F3)
Chicago, IL 60666
- Postgraduate: Loyola University
- Board Certification: American Nurses Credentialing Center