Q. When will this change happen?
A. You will become a Blue Cross Community Family Health member as of January 1, 2016.
Q. What will I notice when this change happens?
A. There will not be any change to the care that you receive or where you receive your care. The only thing you will notice is that you will be receiving communication in the mail like a new member handbook, a new insurance card, and a letter from Blue Cross. You will not need to take any action, other than using your new insurance card when you receive care.
Q. Why is this change occurring?
A. There have been changes to the state’s Medicaid program that make it beneficial for organizations like UI Health Plus and Blue Cross Community Family Plan to work together. This team approach is great for the patient because you can continue to see your UI Health providers and have the added benefit of Blue Cross insurance.
Q. Can I keep my PCP?
A. You will most likely be able to keep your Primary Care Provider (PCP).
Q. I currently have a care coordinator. Will my care coordinator change?
A. Your care coordinator will most likely be the same UI Health care coordinator that you’ve been working with. If your PCP changes, your care coordinator could also change. To reach your care coordinator, please call: 312.413.2701
Q. Do I get the same benefits?
A. Blue Cross Community Family Health Plan covers everything that your UI Health Plus plan covered, plus you might receive some additional benefits.
Q. What are my additional benefits?
- No co-pays for doctor visits
- No co-pays for emergency room (ER) visits
- No co-pays for prescriptions
- Medicaid’s four prescriptions per month rule does not apply. Other rules may apply.
- Dental is covered as a standard benefit for all members. Members over 21 can get two (2) cleanings per year as an added benefit.
- Dental practice visits – Members with developmental disabilities or serious mental illness can go for practice visits to the dentist.
- You can get $40 towards a pair of upgraded eyeglass frames every two years
- You can get gift cards to buy health care items if you complete certain preventive services
- You can get $30 every three months in over- the-counter items
Q. Will I receive a new insurance card?
A. Yes, you will receive a Blue Cross Community Family Health Plan card, along with a welcome packet that contains your member handbook.
Q. What happens if I don't receive this information?
A. Please contact the Blue Cross Community Family Health Plan member services department: 1-877-860-2837
Q. What other member material will I receive?
A. You will receive a welcome packet that includes your member handbook.
Q. When will I receive my welcome packet?
A. Sometime during the end of December, prior to January 1, 2016.