Comfort and Positioning
Comfort and position are two keys to successful breastfeeding. Choose the hold that works the best for both of you. You may need to change holds as the baby grows.

Cradle Hold (left) and Cross-Cradle Hold (right)
- Sit upright, making sure that you have back support and a pillow or stool under your feet.
- Raise baby to your breast with a pillow.
- Make sure baby's back and bottom are well-supported. Rest baby's head in the crook of your arm (Cradle hold) or support baby's head with your hand (Cross-Cradle hold).
Football Hold: You Can Breastfeed Two Babies at Once
- Lay the baby on a pillow at your side. Place the back of the baby's head in the palm of your hand and use your forearm to support her shoulders and spine.
- Tuck your baby's legs between your arm and body, as if you were holding a football.

Side-Lying Hold: Helpful After a Cesarean Section
- Stretch out on your side. With baby tummy-to-tummy with you, support her head, neck, and back with your hand.
- To switch breasts, gather baby close to your chest and roll onto your other side.