
What is Psychosis?

What is “First Episode Psychosis”?

NAMI: What is Early and First-Episode Psychosis? (PDF)
STRONG365: What is Psychosis?
Designed for individuals and families, Strong 365 provides online education, peer support, and connection to providers specializing in first episode psychosis across the United States.

Families and Friends

EPINET: ¿Cómo Motivar a las Personas Buscar Ayuda en Casos de Psicosis de Inicio Temprano? (PDF)
National Federation of Families
ONE MIND: Schizophrenia Research Initiatives
One Mind is a lived-experience-led nonprofit focused on helping people with brain illness and injury recover to succeed.

Understanding the Experience of Hearing Voices

Understanding Voices
“Hearing the Voice” project's website for voice-hearers, families, and health professionals contains comprehensive and accessible information about voice-hearing, including coping strategies and how to find support.
What is hearing voices?
The animation of “What is hearing voices?” was produced by the Hearing the Voice researchers in close collaboration with people with lived experience.
Hearing Voices USA
Hearing Voices is a nationally-based network around the world joined by shared goals and values, incorporating a fundamental belief that there are many ways to understand the experience of hearing voices and other unusual or extreme experiences. It is part of an international collaboration between professionals, people with lived experience, and their families to develop an alternative approach to coping with emotional distress that is empowering and useful to people. It does not start from the assumption that they have a chronic illness.
Wildflower Alliance

Learning More

The International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis – United States Chapter (ISPS-US)
ISPS-US promotes psychological and social approaches to states of Mind, often called “psychosis,” by providing education, training, advocacy, and opportunities for dialogue between service providers, people with lived experience, family members, activists, and researchers.

Managing a Crisis

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Illinois Department of Human Services: Living Room Program
The Living Room Program (LRP) is for individuals in need of a crisis respite program with services and supports designed to proactively divert crises and break the cycle of psychiatric hospitalization. The LRP provides a safe, inviting, home-like atmosphere where individuals can calmly process the crisis event and learn and apply wellness strategies that may prevent future crisis events.