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Headshot of Marit Mikkelsen, Physical Therapist, Physical Therapy

Marit Mikkelsen, PT, DPT, OCS

Physical Therapy

get to know our provider

Dr. Marit Mikkelsen practices in the Department of Physical Therapy at UI Health. Dr. Mikkelsen is a board-certified orthopedic physical therapist whose primary specialties include orthopedics, post-operative therapy, chronic pain management, and sports medicine. She has previous experience working as a Physical Therapist in the United States Navy and has additional training in the rehab of tactical athletes.

Gender: Female
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her

Language : English

specialties & services


Outpatient Physical Therapy at Maxwell Street

711 W. Maxwell St.
Chicago, IL 60607


  • Board Certification: Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist
  • Postgraduate: DPT, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND