Assistance Programs

If you are interested in applying for or learning more about any of these financial programs, please contact the a Certified Application Counselors at 312.413.7621.

Programs available under the Affordable Care Act You will enroll in either Medicaid or the Health Insurance Marketplace. The coverage you get depends mostly on how much money you make. Our counselors can help to make sure you are signing up for best plan for you and your family. To find out more about the two insurance options visit Health Care Reform at UI Health. For more information about why you need health insurance, facts about the new healthcare law, or information on Illinois' Marketplace website visit

Crime Victims Compensation (CVC) offers anyone who was a victim of a crime in the State of Illinois financial assistance to assist them with certain types of losses caused by the crime. For example, the medical expenses incurred by a crime victim, or the funeral expenses paid by the victim's family, can be compensated under this program. In addition, if the victim was employed at least 6 months prior to the crime, and cannot work due to the injuries they suffered, the victim, or victim's family, can be compensated for their loss of wages/loss of support. In addition, an important service provided by the Crime Victims Project (CVP) is short-term counseling and/or referral to a professionally trained counselor. Counseling can provide assistance with immediate problems faced by the victim, lending the necessary support mechanisms to help the victim reestablish the confidence to proceed with the activities of his or her life. Each grant can pay up to $45,000 per incident, if approved. For additional information on Crime Victims Compensation, please contact 800.228.3368. Reference: Illinois Attorney General Crime Victim Compensation

Financial Assistance 

The Financial Assistance program offers a discount for uninsured patients that demonstrate a financial need and may not otherwise qualify for Charity Care. The discount applies to self-pay patients who are receiving medically necessary services and do not qualify for other funding programs. The patient or guarantor must request the discount within 240 days of receiving an invoice from the Medical Center and complete a short application and provide proof of income in the form of a tax return, pay stub or other documentation.  The patient must have been an Illinois resident when care was rendered. Other terms and conditions apply. Patients can request this discount by contacting 312.996.1000, the phone number on the patient statement if you have received a bill, or

This program is for patients who do not qualify for any third party payer programs (i.e. insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) and are receiving medically necessary services. To access the Financial Assistance program, a patient must complete a short application and provide proof of income in the form of a tax return, pay stub or other documentation. The patient must be an Illinois resident, a legal resident of the US and meet certain income requirements. Financial Assistance is only available for self-pay patients and does not apply to balances after insurance payment (i.e. deductible, coinsurance, co-pay, etc.).