Your Bariatric Journey Starts Here
In Chicago, the rate of obesity is highest in the areas surrounding UI Health. The average BMI in our area is among the highest in the nation, and obesity-related conditions — including coronary artery disease, diabetes, and cancer — also are prevalent.
The Bariatric Surgery Program at UI Health is an MBSAQIP-accredited Comprehensive Center with Adolescent Qualifications — one of just three in Illinois — providing the highest level of care and support to Chicagoans for whom bariatric surgery is the right choice for weight management.
We’re in this journey together.
Pre-Surgery Information, Education
The bariatric surgery weight-loss journey is about a year long — it does not happen overnight! Our Bariatric Surgery Program hosts a monthly information session for potential bariatric surgery candidates that discuss services offered in the Bariatric Surgery Program, the health risks of obesity, and how our team of bariatric health professionals will support and guide you through your journey. The information session is an important, educational first step in the bariatric surgery process. View our bariatric information session schedule, or contact us for more information.

The Right Procedure, The Right Team
Our Bariatric Program offers a variety of surgical options for weight loss with the full support of our committed team of surgeons, bariatricians, nurses, registered dietitians, insurance coordinators, and psychologists will support and guide you through your journey. We also have a dedicated patient navigator exclusively dedicated to the exclusive care of bariatric surgery patients. Our team will work closely with you throughout your weight-loss journey to help educate you on surgical procedures, nutrition, physical activity, and behavior modification. UI Health is a high-volume bariatric program — we perform nearly 400 procedures a year — with low rates of morbidity and mortality. Sixty percent of our patients maintain weight loss after five years.Support After Surgery
We offer several programs to help patients adjust to lifestyle changes after the surgery, stay on track with changes in healthy eating and exercise, and get back on track if you've have started slipping into unhealthy habits.
Monthly bariatric support groups, led by bariatricians and dietitians, focus on specific topics and feature a Q&A session; participants also will be able to share with and support other attendees.
Our monthly Bariatric Newsletter encourages patients with tips for diet (recipes included!) and exercise, and avoiding unhealthy pitfalls. You can Like our Facebook page, too, to keep up on the latest news and events from the program, and diet, health, and wellness tips.
It’s important for patients to have a strong support system while they go through pre- and postoperative care, and our team is committed to helping you achieve weight-loss success.